Anyway, here are some more pictures from Pune.
Next weekend we will be back in Mumbai, therefore we decided to stay here this weekend. There are still a few things that we didn't get to see yet. One of them is the Parvati Temple.
We were told that it is impossible for smokers to get up the steep hill. Luckily none of us smokes, so we were pretty optimistic and noticed that it is not bad at all. At least in the morning as long as the heat is still bearable.

The beautiful temples were definitely worth to climb up the stairs.

You have a good view over the city ...

... and might see some small animals in the trees.

At the bottom of the hill the contrast between poor and rich is, once more, very visible.

We went to a small park and tried to get out of the sun.

New country, old game: Anyone any idea what exactly those bat-like animals are? There is something like an Indian Flying Fox (Indischer Riesenflughund) and they looked pretty huge, up there in the top of the tree. So maybe that's it? But honestly, I have not the slightest idea.

Finally we decided to go to the Pataleshwar Caves as a last destination for the day. We took 2 rikshaws, and one rikshaw arrived. I was in the one that ended up at the wrong place, because the driver simply didn't know where the caves are. However, at least we were closer than when we started. So we thought about walking, but since we had no clue ourselves where to go, we took another rikshaw.
Of course this time we were more careful and asked the driver to assure us that he really knows where the caves are. We ended up at this temple:

Not quite the caves and we don't know what temple it was (maybe you can read it?), but probably our driver thought it was a nicer place anyway and therefore better to take us there than to the caves.
But THIS time we could walk and actually found the place we wanted to go to.

3 Kommentare:
So, no pictures of the caves? :(
I think Flying Fox is right. They have them in Sydney too and they looked exactly the same. You should wait until late afternoon and watch them all flying away at the same time. Spectacular.
Have you learnt to say or even write some Indian words yet?
No, the cave is a temple. It was pretty dark and I didn't want to use a flash inside where people were praying. Therefore I don't have any pictures of the cave itself.
Oh sounds good. I'd like to see them fly, they looked so huge. Maybe I'll get the chance some time.
We had some Marathi lessons and we also know a few words in Hindi. Well, very few things. And since they don't use our alphabet, we can't really read or write.
We can say na-ma-ste (hello), shub-raa-tri (Good night) and some sentences. But usually people don't understand us anyway when we try to use those things. :)
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