In most cases Holi is a celebration in families and among friends. Unfortunately we did not get invited to celebrate Holi with an Indian family, but we found a way still to be part of it. It might not have been the most traditional way, but it was fun nevertheless.
Actually our preparations for Holi had started one day before already, when we bought cheap clothes.

We still don't know where we actually were, but the taxis brought us there... and well, you will see how we came back. It was in Pune. That's the one thing we know.

When we arrived and the security was convinced that we didn't bring our own colours (we easily could have brought other things... ), we went in and admired this construction. First it disturbed me that there was no shade at all anywhere. But once you notice that the framework on the picture below constantly sprays cold water, you know that it somehow equalizes the burning sun. (at least the way you feel it)

and actually it was nice and refreshing

We already have some colour on us, since we had to use our own colours before we were allowed to enter the area.

Within a few minutes, it was crowded with young people. In the back you can see the DJ, it basically was a huge open air party with music and dancing people.

oh yes, and of course with lots of water ...

... and since it was Holi... obviously with lots of colours!

Hardly any of the visitors were non-Indians, so once more we attracted attention.

and we tried to get our part of the colours as well :)

I'm wearing a really simple white Kurta by the way. Well, it was white before ... and the matching trousers unfortunately were 4 times too big for me.

On the way back, some guys offered to give us a ride and since we were a group of 6, we thought it is not too much of a risk if we agree. They were really nice, not happy with the idea just to drop us of, but once we insisted and also had finished the beer that they bought us (against our will) on the way, we actually arrived at our place. Our driver was "not bad". We left everything and everyone behind us ... bikes, cars, an ambulance, elephants, probably birds and planes too ... it was hard to tell while trying to stay in the open car.

Yes, and we saw an elephant on the street. It is not the first time we saw one, but the first time I had my camera with me. Can you see it? On the bridge slightly behind the white car. ok ok, I was too slow taking out the camera and we were flying pretty fast.

There it look again on the first picture, really! It was one!

We arrived safe and really fast.
(Don't ask how those guys celebrated holi and none of them has any colour on their clothes or faces. I have no idea.)

That's where we live. Shortly before we started to try desperately to get rid of all the colours, since we had to go out for dinner with someone from our company.

However today at work, there were still quite a few colleagues with purple faces and hands, who did not manage to wash away the colours.
It was fun. :)
5 Kommentare:
Holi sounds so much fun! And you look nice in Kurta :)
In Pune, elephants are walking... just like cows?
Thanks Junco. hehe, well... I'd be happy to say: "Yes, just like cows". But it's not true. You see cows more often and cows seem to be more independent.
However there is at least one man riding regularly on an elephant through the streets of Pune.
Haha, sounds like a fun day. Too bad we haven't had Holi in Canada. I'm thinking of the paintball scene in "10 things I hate about you", they look exactly like you ;-)
That elephant thing is pretty cool too. I think I'll have to put that in my next dream of India, too ;-)
That really looks like fun and I'm quite envious now. But...:
I still don't believe you.
More pictures! :-)
@ Kristina: Yes, everybody should have Holi. Everybody celebrates Halloween too, so why not Holi as well. And yes, you are free to use the elephant in your dreams!
@ Daniel: WOW, you saw a dragon! That's way better than an elephant, and I do believe that you saw it! ;-)
HOWEVER I will try to take more pictures, so that I can even convince you.
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