We were grateful to a fresh wind which made the felt temperature (inside and) around the temple much better. It actually was really nice.

Next to the temple, but also in Pune and in many other places around, you can currently spot red blooming trees. As our driver told us they are called Gulmohar Tree here. In German they are called "Flammenbaum" ("tree of flames") and since they are usually the only natural colour at the moment (next to brown and a little bit of green) the name is self-explanatory.

The temple shows lots of carvings that date back several centuries. Although many figures have been damaged in the past, it is still impressive.

It was really fortunate to have our driver with us. As a native he could not only explain everything to us, but he also took away the feeling that we might disturb the people who came to pray, and not like we did as annoying tourists.

The way the temple is built with a partly open roof and plays with light and shadow gives it a mysterious atmosphere that I enjoyed a lot.

It was a really nice temple, worth to drive there, and most of all it was not touristy at all.
On the way back our driver insisted to stop at the side of the road to get us some coconuts
... and why not ... :)

8 Kommentare:
I love these trees. Can you bring some to Germany?
I also love this mysterious atmosphere in the temple. Looks kind of like Indiana Jones. childhood Memories :-)
Yep. I can bring a tree. Also one of those temples. Would be cool to have in the garden, wouldn't it?
You were Indiana Jones when you were a child? I always expected knifes to come out of a wall... but nothing happened. Seen from this point of view, it was kind of boring.
Ya, can you bring me a temple, too, please? I don't wanna travel to Hamburg, Stuttgart, Berlin or Munich each time I'm praying.
No unfortunately I wasn't Indiana Jones. But he was my first and everlasting love.
And it's true, I also expected knives, poisonous spiders (are you sure about THAT?) or arrows ... I'm sure if you came earlier and you'd walk THROUGH the lights ...
well I think you better don't wanna know what happened then.
I see a huge part of the photos being so imposing is due to the photographer.
(Wargh, grammar ... was that english at all? Please make a correct sentence out of that mess, if you know what I wanted to say.)
Oh Yeah Krissi, there were tons of poisonous spiders and snakes. I just didn't want anyone to worry, you know. And the arrows were just hilarious, so easy to avoid.
And I think we would have seen a moose if we had tried to walk THROUGH the lights, right? ;-)
Thanks Daniel. ;-) You certainly wanted to say that it is just a really cool place with an awesome atmosphere to take pictures. ;-)
He wanted to say what an awesome photographer you are to take these amazing pictures.
How could you miss such a compliment Heiko?
Well, in fact I wanted to say that I don't like coconuts ...
but as I mentioned, I've made a bit of a mess of that sentence.
No, SEE Kristina. He was talking about coconuts!!! We both missed the point.
I think that's because your english, Daniel, is influenced too much by Australians. We people, who are obsessed with Vancouver, have a hard time to understand the different kind of language.
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