But first of all, here we woke up on Sunday morning. It looks kind of creepy, and so it was.

On Sunday morning we took a rikshaw for the 30 km from Aurangabad to the Elora Caves, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Lots of carvings, and even some elephants. ;-)
I let the pictures speak for themselves.

4 Kommentare:
Elephants! I like elephants! :) There's a huge one, too!!
Pretty cool place and cool pictures and cool photographer ;-)
Yes indeed. A very huge one. But it was nice and calm and friendly. Thanks ;-)
What kind of animal is there on the wall? it's not a chipmunk, is it??
Mhmmm I don't know Anni. Mom thinks it might be an Indian Palm Squirrel /Indisches Palmenhörnchen. The latin name sounds kind of cool: Funambulus palmarum.
yeah, let's just decide that's what it is, until someone disagrees. :)
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