The very different faces of Pune, most of them seen from the Rikscha while driving by ...

A large western shopping mall with all kind of brands ...

... and a little copy shop at the side of the street.

Great for refreshments in the heat, one of many CCDs ...

... or the more traditional place.

That's where most of our trips start ...

... while locals usually use their bikes. Still fascinating to me how you can ride a motor bike like that, especially in Pune's insane traffic. We have seen five people on one bike, and heard rumours of six.

But there are also cars, elephants (as you all know by now!), donkeys, dogs, cows, goats, pigs, trucks, ...

... and of course camels on Pune's streets.

The houses of wealthy and poor people in direct neighbourhood

The central post office!!!

And a few more impressions. From dusty streets...

... to fashion shows at expensive restaurants.